Friday, December 22, 2006

Ginger Came Through the Surgery

Good news for Christmas is that Ginger came through her open-heart surgery and two by-passes. Her surgery was delayed until they brought in some needed heart product from Saint Louis, and it took a long time for the surgery to be completed for those waiting anxiously in the waiting room. The Glasco brothers and Ginger's brother tried to keep upbeat telling stories to one another, and eventually we got to see the surgeon and hear the wonderful words that Ginger was okay.

We left at that point and came back to Marion and the farm. It would be another hour or so probably before she was out of recovery, and she had a large waiting room of people there who loved her and wanted to see her. She will probably be able to go home in five days.

Since a stroke five Christmases ago took away her short-term memory, I keep wondering if there is any possibility that a Christmas miracle might take place and this surgery in some peculiar way might bring that capacity back to her. This is not something the doctors mentioned as a possibility; the surgery was just to prevent the likelihood of a heart attack. Pray with me for a miracle. Miracles happen, and this is a good season for miracles.

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